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MJpgAlleg - a simple alternative to flic (released under GPL because XviD license)
- 04/04/2003
Created mjpga_is_mul_16(), and the video buffer is only created if the width is a multiple of 16 (at least, my create_video_bitmap only uses multiples of 16).
Created mjpga_pre_calc_pos() and altered MJpgDemo.c to allow the user change the mode of display, and altered play_movie_avi() and play_movie_dat() to show correctly.
Now open_movie_avi() support file names in modes different of ASC II.
Minor changes in MJpgDdemo.
Minor changes in makefile.all and in open_movie_avi(), and added the new FCC_DIVX_OTHER.
Now it plays PCM uncompressed audio with streaming, like in mp3.
Changes in audio.c, especially in mjpga_audio_play().
Minor changes and corrections in the docs.
- 03/04/2003
Optimized play_movie_dat(), like play_movie_avi().
Created load_memory_jpg_ex() and load_memory_dat_xvid_ex().
Bug in makefile.cfg: obj dir is included in distro now.
Updated fix.bat, now the target is fix mingw32, and not fix mingw.
Makefiles change - the full and docs distro version will not more be available to download. The documentation is now included in clean and win32 bin versions.
Error understading the avi specs corrected (the length, in the stream header, is the numer of samples, not frames), causing the memory used in the audio indexes to be incredible bigger than the necessary.
- 02/04/2003
The function play_movie_avi() now use hardware accelerated video -> video blit, and system -> video stretch_blit, to greatly improve the speed.
Created load_memory_avi_xvid_ex().
- 14/03/2003
Better optimization in decoding, now it's directly to bitmaps. 8 bpp support dropped.
- ??/03/2003
Makefile changed to link with libxvidcore.a, the name of the lib compiled with the latest XviDcore.
Because XviD is GPL, my lib need to be GPL too :(
- 09/03/2003
Updated the makefiles and more targets added.
The XviD library is now needed to be downloaded in separate.
The conversion from BGR to current bitmap format is now very optimized, and moved to mjpgaint.c.
- 08/03/2003
Now MJpgDemo show the version of MJpgAlleg in the intro, and can run in 8 bpp too (very ugly).
Add support to play mp3 from datafiles.
Updated the avi2dat, now it can save mp3.
Some changes in the way the audio is played, because I've created one more struct to hold all the audio info, and now the mp3 is supported in avi's!
- 07/03/2003
The bugs related of no new line at end of file, because gcc 3.2, is totally solved now.
- 03/11/2002
Small bug fixes, included string.h where memset/memcpy are called and new lines at end of files, to gcc 3.2 compile ok
- 28/10/2002
Updating the docs
- 24/10/2002
Now Full and Win 32 versions came with the compiled lib of MJpgAlleg and XviD with MingW (2.95.3-6 mingw special) and Allegro (4.0.1)
Add functions to save sample from an avi file using the avi2dat tool, and updated some function in savedat.c to handle this modification
- 22/10/2002
Start of version 2.1
Changing AVI module. Now the indexes are inside the correspondent stream
Buffer inside each stream too
Add new attribute to AVI_INDEX, nused
Code update in mjpgavi.c, avi.c, avi.h, avi2dat.c to perform the changes
- 11/10/2002
Finished converion to doxygen style
Minor changes in avi module
- 09/10/2002
Start converting comments to doxygen style
- 29/09/2002
Start of version 2.0
Generated on Mon Apr 7 00:19:24 2003 for MJpgAlleg by