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MJpgAlleg Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
audio_formatsUnion to mantain all the supported audio formats
AVI_CHUNKA chunk of the avi file
AVI_INDEXAll the index of the movie
AVI_INDEX_ENTRYEach index entry of the file
AVI_MAIN_HEADERMain header of the avi file
AVI_STREAMContain all the information necessary to handle a stream
AVI_STREAM_DATAInformation about the aditional data for stream format
AVI_STREAM_FORMATInformation about the format of one stream of the file
AVI_STREAM_HEADERStream header, with information about one stream of the file
MJPGA_AUDIOThe struct containing all information to play the audio
MJPGA_MOVIEThe main struct of MJpgAlleg, it contain all information to play the movie

Generated on Mon Apr 7 00:19:24 2003 for MJpgAlleg by doxygen1.2.18