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Compiling and installing

With make

  1. If you want to compile for MingW or DJGPP, go to the dir where you have extracted the files and execute
    fix <platform> 
    where platform can be mingw32 or djgpp.

  2. Type make. This will also compile the tools and the examples.

  3. Type make install, to install the MJpgAlleg library.

Without make

If you want to compile to other platform, follow these steps

  1. Go to the dir where you have extracted the files, and compile all the content of the src dir, like this:

    gcc -Iinclude -c -o obj/<file>.o src/<file>.c

    where file is the name of file, or use

    gcc -Iinclude -c src\*.c 

    and move all generated .o files to the obj dir (the second is easier than the first).

  2. Now, enter in /obj and do

    ar rs libmjpga.a *.o

    to create the lib.

  3. Move the libmjpga.a to dir /lib of your compiler.

  4. Change to /include dir of MJpgAlleg and copy mjpga.h to the /include dir of your compiler.

  5. Create the directory /mjpga in /include of your compiler.

  6. Copy all the .h files of /include/mjpga dir of MJpgAlleg to /include/mjpga dir of your compiler.

  7. To compile the avi2dat tool, enter in /tools dir of MJpgAlleg and type

    gcc -o avi2dat.exe avi2dat.c savedat.c -lmjpga -lalmp3 -lalleg -lxvidcore

  8. To compile the MJpgDemo example, enter in /examples dir of MJpgAlleg and type

    gcc -o MJpgDemo.exe MJpgDemo.c -lmjpga -lalmp3 -lalleg -lxvidcore

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